
State of Siege – Halat Hisar


Halat Hisar (State of Siege in English, Piiritystila in Finnish) is a Palestinian larp designed for Finnish, Nordic and Paloestinian players. Created by Palestinian larp designers working together with Finnish organizers, its meant to bring unique Palestinian perspectives to Finnish participants in the form of an accessible and engaging game.

State of Siege is a game about life under occupation. You are a student or teacher at University of Helsinki, in the Occupied Finnish Territory of the South Coast. You are not a citizen of any recognized country, and your daily life contains crossing checkpoints and encountering occupation soldiers and violent fanatic settlers. Or maybe you are a young soldier doing her mandatory military service in the occupation forces, or a journalist specializing in the North European conflict, or a human rights activist who has come here to stand in solidarity with the Finns. The purpose of the game is to mirror the current situation of Palestine in Finland and give the players a picture of everyday life under occupation.

The game will feature Finnish, Nordic and Palestinian players. It will will be produced by Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura. The production has been supported by Suomen kulttuurirahasto and Taiteen edistämiskeskus.

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