Event programme

2.8. Friday 17-22RuntimeParticipantsDesignerContent info
Group4 hours4-15Bart Pricemental health issues
inside:outside4 hours10-20Eirik Fatland and Mike Pohjolaviolence, oppression, prison
Only Moment Left4 hours3-9Pihla Lehtinendeath of a loved one
Perfect Human4-5 hours6-10Juhana Pettersson and Jaakko Stenrosmaintaining a positive attitude
Seaside Prison5 hours8-16Kaisa Kangas, Martin Nielsen, Mohamad Rabah,
Essi Santala, Hannu Sinervä and Joona Pettersson
war, bombing, death of family member
Sexcraft2 hours4Frida Sofie Jansen and Tor Kjetil Edland awkwardness, dubbing porn
Welcome to the World3 hours6-12Sergio Losillaphysical touch
3.8. Saturday 11-15RuntimeParticipantsDesignerContent info
6th of August, part I: Sky4 hours10Aino Hwar, death, mass destruction
A Cancelled Ice Skulpturing
Contest Is Not a Northen Light
2-3 hours4-6Patrik Balinthomophobia, broken home, hunting animals,
child neglect (in the background story)
Devil in the Details4 hours6-10Hazel Anneke Dixon and Usva Ineiart making, demons
End(less) Story4 hours7-15Nina Runa Essendropend of the world, death, the larp will contain
interaction and communication through physical touch
but participants can take it at their own pace, non-verbal
Sacrifice4 hours7Nadja Lipsyc and Nicola van Straatenexpressive movements, change of light and sound, fast-paced activity
Superrealism4 hours10-20Lauri Lukka intense emotions, the larp requires movement
Cherry, Dust, Chair!3 hours5-20Frida Sofie Jansenbreaking balloons can create a loud noice, non-verbal
3.8. Saturday 17-21
6th of August, part II: Earth4 hours10Aino Hwar, death, mass destruction
Inner Domain4 hours6-12Vili von Nissinen and Nina Mutiksame sex desire, lesbians, romance, faith,
rituals, physical touch on hands and arms
A Film Noir Murder Mystery4 hours6-10Freja Gyldenstrømalcohol, murder, domestic violence, sex,
sexism (violence is played out in theatre style, and
sex scenes are represented with saxophone music and moaning)
Lupus2 hours1-20Katri Lassila and Antti Kannerillness, psychological stress, difficult diagnostic process,
the illness is portrayed as a supernatural entity with a
potentially frightening appearance
Monet and the Moment3-4 hours12-20Ann Kristine Eriksen and Danny Wilsondeath of loved ones, physical decay, mild physical touch
The One That Got Away1 hour3-20Jamie MacDonaldfamily, death
Mates, Dates and Sleepovers3-4 hours3-5Lele Kauppilaportraying 14-year-old girls, sitting on the floor

Descriptions of the larps

6th of August, part I: Sky

Photo: Fidel Ramos

Designers: Aino H
Designers and larprunners present: Aino H
Number of participants: 10
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: war, death, mass destruction

It is 6th of August in 1945, and the world is never going to be the same again. 6th of August is a two-part larp that explores the atomic bombing of Hiroshima from two viewpoints. Part I: Sky focuses on a bomber crew on its way to the target. The flying weather is good, and there are two hours to the destination. Time passes slowly, there is plenty of time for chit-chat and crosswords. The Japanese air defence is no longer a problem.

Other things to note: This is the first part of a two-part larp 6th of August. Participants are expected to take part also in part II: Earth where they take the roles of ordinary people living in Hiroshima.

6th of August, part II: Earth

Designers: Aino H
Designers and larprunners present: Aino H
Number of participants: 10
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: war, death, mass destruction

It is 6th of August in 1945, and the world is never going to be the same again. 6th of August is a two-part larp that explores the atomic bombing of Hiroshima from two viewpoints. Part II: Earth focuses on people on the ground who are living their last morning. No one knows what is going to happen. People are waking up to a normal morning. Someone is leaving for work, another for the marketplace to see if there is rice for sale somewhere or at least something for a dinner. They make plans for today, for the next week, next month.

Other things to note: This is the second part of a two-part larp 6th of August. Participants are expected to take part also in part I: Sky where they take the roles of a bombing crew.

A Cancelled Ice Skulpturing Contest Is Not a Northen Light

Designers: Patrik Balint
Designers and larprunners present: Patrik Balint
Number of participants: 4-6
Duration: 2-3 hours
Content info: homophobia, broken home, hunting animals, child neglect (in the background story)

A young woman sold everything to live her dream. She is on her way to northern Sweden where there is supposed to be an ice sculpture competition during a festival. In the hotel, the leader of the local community is having lunch. He didn’t get funding for the festival, so it will not be. A boy finally found the strength to leave his broken home. He is wandering down a cold road in the countryside with an elephant as his only companion. In a cabin in the woods, a family has gathered for the yearly hunt. Most of them don’t want to be there at all. Two people are driving in a car at 190 km/h. There is a ghost in the back seat and the radio is playing rock music.

Cherry, Dust, Chair!

Designers: Frida Sofie Jansen
Designers and larprunners present: Frida Sofie Jansen
Number of participants: 5-20
Duration: 3 hours
Content info: breaking balloons can create a loud noice

Imagine a land where people hardly ever speak, this is the land of the word factory. What do you do when you want to express your feelings, but the only words you have are “escalator” and “bubblegum”?

The larp is based on the children’s book Phileas’s Fortune: A Story about Self-Expression by Agnés de Lestrade. In the world of the larp, you will have to buy every word that you ever say, and good words are expensive. Every now and then, the wind carries words from the great pipes of the word factory, and you can catch them in the wind.

This is an experience where you hardly speak at all. 

Inner Domain

Designers: Vili von Nissinen and Nina Mutik
Designers and larprunners present: Vili von Nissinen and Nina Mutik
Number of participants: 6-12
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: same sex desire, lesbians, jealousy, romance, spirituality, rituals, physical touch on hands and arms, drawing on the floor

Inner Domain explores sexuality between women through the esoteric. It draws inspiration from the life of Swedish visual artist Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) and the different all-female groups she was part of. In these groups, women held seances, practiced theosophy, and found special connections between each other at the beginning of the 20th century. The group of women, many of whom were artists, created a safe space to break society’s norms on gender, sexuality, and romance through spiritual practices. 

Participants need to be comfortable with touching hands and arms of other people with an erotic tone and being and moving on the floor drawing together with others. All bodies, genders, and sexualities are welcome to explore erotic lesbian tension.

Devil in the Details

Designers: Hazel Anneke Dixon and Usva Inei
Designers and larprunners present: Hazel Anneke Dixon and Usva Inei
Number of participants: 6-10
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: art making, demons

A family has come together to perform a ritual that has made their wildest dreams come true. They now face the consequences of their actions as well as the demons that now control their fate. Inspired by Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Devil in the Details explores morality, relationships and dark secrets. The participants will use art materials to edit pictures of their characters.

End(less) Story

Designers: Nina Runa Essendrop
Designers and larprunners present: Nina Runa Essendrop
Number of participants: 7-15
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: end of the world, death, the larp will contain interaction and communication through physical touch but participants can take it at their own pace

End(less) Story is an abstract, poetic larp taking place in the eternal seconds right after the world has ended. Together, the participants tell a fragmented story by interpreting physical sensations and shadow images. It is an exploration of the moments that make up our experience of life and of the way we consciously construct our sense of reality together. 

A Film Noir Murder Mystery

Designers: Freja Gyldenstrøm
Designers and larprunners present: Freja Gyldenstrøm
Number of participants: 6-10
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: alcohol, murder, domestic violence, sex, sexism (violence is played out in theatre style, and sex scenes are represented with saxophone music and moaning).

A classic film noir story featuring old Hollywood archetypes. A murder has been committed and a dame is in distress. But who is really behind the crime in this grim tale where it seems everyone has a motif of their own?


Designers: Bart Price
Designers and larprunners present: Bart Price
Number of participants: 4-15
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: mental health issues 

A new therapy group meets for the first time. Attendants are different people with different personal struggles but they share a common desire to work through their problems together. The group is led by an innovative holistic-therapy facilitator who utilises the power of role-play and performance.


Photo: Frode Dybvad

Designers: Eirik Fatland and Mike Pohjola
Number of participants: 10-20
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: violence, oppression, prison

A bunch of strangers wake up in a white cube, not knowing how or why. They are all prisoners, wearing white, numbered overalls. A voice calls them by numbers, one at a time, to the next room. In the other another voice accuses them of unspecified crimes, holds philosophical monologues, and forces them to confront ethical dilemmas. Then the prisoner is returned with the others. At random times, or if the prisoners are difficult, guards enter the cell and beat up the prisoners.

This Nordic larp classic explores game theoretic ideas of The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Wolf’s Dilemma. It has been influenced by writings of Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, George Orwell and Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as the films A Clockwork Orange (1971) and The Cube (1997).


Designers: Katri Lassila and Antti Kanner
Designers and larprunners present: Katri Lassila and Antti Kanner
Number of participants: 1-20
Duration: 2 hours
Content info: illness, psychological stress, difficult diagnostic process, the illness is portrayed as a supernatural entity with a potentially frightening appearance

Lupus is focused on the experience of the autoimmune disease SLE and its physical and psychological consequences. The larp operates on a fantastical level where the illness is transformed into a supernatural entity with its own will. The purpose of Lupus is to challenge participants to reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as coping with challenges. It is based on real experiences, gathered from patients with SLE.

Mates, Dates and Sleepovers

Designers: Lele Kauppila
Designers and larprunners present: Lele Kauppila
Number of participants: 3-5
Duration: 3-4 hours
Content info: portraying 14-year-old girls, sitting on the floor

“Soooo, if you had to kiss anyone in our school, who would it be?” Mates, Dates, and Sleepovers is a teenage drama where a group of teenage girls play spin the bottle at a sleepover. It is time to talk about school, hobbies, and – of course! – cute boys. The larp is loosely based on Cathy Hopkins’s Mates, Dates book series.

Monet and the Moment

Designers: Ann Kristine Eriksen and Danny Wilson
Designers and larprunners present: Ann Kristine Eriksen and Danny Wilson
Number of participants: 12-20
Duration: 3-4 hours
Content info: death of loved ones, physical decay, mild physical touch

A sensory journey through Monet’s memories and his mad hunt for the fleeting moment. A manifestation of the elusive impressions of the impressionist, as real as a passionate romance and as cold as death on a winter morning.

 The One That Got Away

Designers: Jamie MacDonald
Designers and larprunners present: Jamie MacDonald
Number of participants: 3-20
Duration: 1 hour
Content info: family, death

A father and his adult son in a fishing boat. The only things on their minds – apart from the fish – are the things they cannot bring themselves to say to each other. But someday there will no longer be a chance to say what seems impossible to say now.

Only Moment Left

Designers: Pihla Lehtinen
Designers and larprunners present: Pihla Lehtinen
Number of participants: 3-9
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: death of a loved one

eyes meet and they know this is 
for three of them
a last
fragile moment

Only Moment Left is a ghost story about love, loss and things left unsaid. This queer feminist chamber larp explores poetic as a play style.

Three queer poets are entangled in platonic and romantic love. One of them suddenly died a year ago and now comes back for a last moment together. There is a tension between the short and fragile nature of this moment and a desperate need to make the most of it. What needs to be said? What is better left unsaid? Do you need to seek closure or can you just be in the moment?

This queer feminist chamber larp explores poetic as a play style.

The Perfect Human

Photo: Tuomas Puikkonen

Designers: Juhana Pettersson and Jaakko Stenros
Designers and larprunners present: Juhana Pettersson and Jaakko Stenros
Number of participants: 6-10
Duration: 4-5 hours
Content info: maintaining a positive attitude

The perfect smiles, the bland but supportive body language, the arrows trending ever upwards… What would it be like to work in the world of flawless stock photo people? In The Perfect Human, you can join the positive, happy and productive workforce of Creative Solutions and find out!


Designers: Nadja Lipsyc and Nicola van Straaten
Designers and larprunners present: Nadja Lipsyc and Nicola van Straaten
Number of participants: 7
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: expressive movements, change of light and sound, fast-paced activity

People of a land enter into a pact with a mysterious entity in exchange for the concretization of their dreams. The entity offers them a city, but will return to ask for a sacrifice. The larp explores our relationship to land, to cities and to desire through the notion of sacrifice, or what needs to be given up.

Seaside Prison

Photo: Joona Pettersson

Designers: Kaisa Kangas, Martin Nielsen, Mohamad Rabah, Essi Santala, Hannu Sinervä and Joona Pettersson
Designers and larprunners present:
Number of participants: 8-16
Duration: 5 hours
Content info: war, bombing, death of family member

Step in an alternative reality where Finland is under occupation and the situation on Åland Islands resembles that of real-world Gaza. Two ordinary families live as neighbours in Marienhamn. Their family drama and wedding preparations are interrupted by bombings in which some of the family members are killed.

(Photographer: Joona Pettersson)


Designers: Frida Sofie Jansen and Tor Kjetil Edland
Designers and larprunners present: Frida Sofie Jansen
Number of participants: 4
Duration: 2 hours
Content info: awkwardness, dubbing porn

The room was a little too warm. Any second now. He could hear how her moaning changed, softer now, and then, his turn; With a bellow he dropped into the most thunderous laugh he had ever mustered, just at the same second she turned into a high pitch scream.

“That’s a wrap, excellent guys!” I really believed in that orgasm scream!” He finally dared to take his eyes of the screen, letting his eyes wander over to the other microphone. She was smiling at him. In a voice miles away from the one she had used just a minute ago she suddenly said: “Impressive laugh! I’m Snow, nice to meet you!”

In Sexcraft, you play voice actors who are dubbing a hentai movie. This is a humorous feel-good larp where four strangers become friends and lovers.


Designers: Lauri Lukka
Designers and larprunners present: Lauri Lukka
Number of participants: 10-20
Duration: 4 hours
Content info: intense emotions, the larp requires movement

A mountain overlooks a mansion overgrown with vine – there, an esoteric new-age self-development seminar is just about to begin. Soon, the ceremony escalates and the spiritual pilgrim’s ego is left behind. The pilgrim enters the associative, symbolic, and synesthetic planes of remedy following a mystical bird… Yet, the path is uncertain. Will the pilgrims find the infinite emotional expression of self-dissolving unity, the moment that they could call present? SUPERREALISM is a powerful, music driven avant-garde larp about searching and finding. 

Welcome to the World

Designers: Sergio Losilla
Designers and larprunners present: Sergio Losilla
Number of participants: 6-12
Duration: 3 hours
Content info: physical touch

Finally, the day has arrived! A new litter of humanoids fresh from the vats will be brought to their assigned family, who cannot wait to shower them with love. A feel-good scenario to indulge in the pleasure of caring and being cared for.