
The festival takes place August 2-3, 2024. Your ticket includes admission up to three larps, meals, and a party. The larps will take place at the following hours:

Friday: 17:00-22:00
Saturday: 11:00-15:00 & 17:00-21:00

Please be at the venue at least 30 minutes before a larp you are playing in. If you are late, we might not be able to guarantee you a slot in the larp.

Outside of larp time, there will be chances to socialise and hang out, and a party on Saturday night. The bar is open on Friday until midnight and on Saturday until 02:00.

On Friday, the doors will open for participants at 16:00 and on Saturday at 10:00.

sign up

You can purchase your ticket here. Ticket prices are 60/40 euros (regular/discount). Discount tickets are for people who cannot afford a regular ticket. You decide for yourself which ticket to buy.

You can also buy tickets to individual larps at the door if there are free spots. Come to the location 30 minutes before the beginning time of the larp. Tickets to individual larps cost 20 euros.

We are currently sold out, but there will still be spots at some individual larps. Moreover, there will probably be cancellation tickets. If you are interested in one, contact us at immersionlarpfestival@gmail.com


There will be a sandwich buffet on Friday after 21:00-22:30. On Saturday, participants will be served lunch at 14:30-16:30 and dinner at 20:00-22:30.


Larp is an improvised drama with no audience and no script. Usually every participant gets a character that they portray. Instead of passively following a story, you experience it from the point of view of your character. You also become a co-creator of the story since you can usually freely decide what your character will do.

You are given a context – a situation or a starting point, and you start imagining what your character could do in that context. For example, the larp might be about a birthday party. The characters could be the birthday child and their guests. Or maybe it’s a different party and your character meets their annoying ex at there. You will react as your character – how would they feel in this situation and what would they do? Start visible drama? Try to awkwardly avoid the ex?

Although larp might sound like acting, it is not acting. There is no audience. You play for yourself and the other players. The point is to have an interesting experience and help others have interesting experiences. For many people, the goal in a larp is to experience what their character is experiencing and feel what they are feeling, while others like to tell stories together. Larp is like life – sometimes the fleeting small things can be much more meaningful than the large, epic and dramatic ones.

Larping is not difficult. You are already living your life as a human being and you can always use that experience to think what your character would do. We welcome newcomers to try out larp at Immersion. Each larp includes a workshop that will get you comfortable and prepared to play.

Can I Run My Larp?

We offer several spaces for larps, including a theatre black box with professional technical equipment. If needed, our technicians will be able to help you set up your larp and run the tech during it. However, you are more than welcome suggest larps that do not require fancy technology. There is some financial support available for travel costs.

We are looking for larps that meet the following criteria:

  • The larp (including workshop and debrief) lasts at most 4 hours;
  • It is plug-and-play, i.e. the players can just arrive at the location without preparing beforehand (i.e. no costuming, no need to read any materials beforehand);
  • You designed it yourself.

We recommend suggesting scalable larps (i.e. the number of players is not fixed) as it makes it easier to compose the programme.

To suggest a larp for Immersion, please fill in this form no later than January 7, 202

What Should I Wear?

Wear neutral clothes for the larps, preferably black. No costumes are required.

How do I Get There?

You can find more information on travel details here.

Where Do I STAY?

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide accommodation for participants. However, there are many hotel and hostel options. You can find more information here.

Contact info

Email: immersionlarpfestival@gmail.com


Tehdas Teatteri, Turku.

Map of the venue