
This schedule is tentative, and there might be changes. There will also be a personal schedule in your character. The workshop scedule can be found here.

Thurday, June 16th

17:00 Our bus leaves Helsinki

18:00-21:00 Registration at the venue

21:00 Evening snacks in dormitory kitchens

Friday, June 17th

08:30-09:30 Breakfast

09:30-13:00 Workshops

13:00-13:45 Lunch

14:00-17:00 Workshops

17:00-17:45 Dinner

18:00-21:00 Workshops

21:00 Evening snacks in dormitory kitchens

Saturday, June 18th

08:30-09:30 Breakfast

10:00 Game starts

11:15-12:00  Lecture on Tolkien Studies / Press conference / Faculty meeting

13:00-13:45 Lunch

17:00-17:45 Dinner

18:00-19:00 Elections debate

21:00 Evening snacks in dormitory kitchens

Sunday, June 19th

08:30-09:30 Breakfast

10:00 You will need to leave the dormitory rooms and hand out the keys (there will be an in-game reason for this)

10:00-11:00 Student Elections

11:00 Counting of votes

12:30 The conference begins

13:00 Game ends

13:00-13:45 Lunch

13:45-18:0o Debrief

18:00 The event ends, our bus leaves for Helsinki